A New Hope…
I don’t want to bury the lead so…
We have a new date for key transfer of May 9th
Given the delays and previous issues, I won’t say it’s an official date until they give me the actual paperwork and it’s all signed, but this is great news. It seems a lot was going on with the masonry on the outside of the building, especially the roof and the wall along 64th St, so we can look forward to scaffolding and other big construction over the summer. They’re pretty sure this is the cause of the water damage they discovered, not the water heater, and that it’s been fixed. Which is a big relief, as it means we have a few years to save up for a tankless system (a year 3 wish list item).
Once we get closer to the hand off we’ll start reaching out to folks about work parties and other construction needs. Right now we’re coordinating with the electrician and contractor for their portion of the work. However, it seems there’s going to be more extensive plumbing needs than we had originally planned for since there is no existing drain for the espresso machine. This means having to brake into the concrete floor, dig a trench to the nearest sewer line, and install a new system. A bit more than we had bargained for. We have the option of taking out a construction loan for this, but honestly I’d rather not if we don’t have to. So, if you want to financially contribute to our construction fund you can donate via GoFundMe or direct giving via Venmo (@becas).
We’re itching to get under way with this project and can’t wait to share the new space with all of you!